Apr 10, 2013

Matthews area Toyota knows that police officers in North Carolina take drinking and driving very seriously. Understand the law so you can stay safe and avoid stiff legal consequences.


What BAC is Legal?

If you are under 21, then you cannot have any alcohol in your system while operating a car. North Carolina takes a zero tolerance stance on this.


If you are 21 or older, you can have a .08 blood alcohol level. For most people, that means they can drive soberly if they only have one drink over the course of an hour. More than that sets them up for danger.


Commercial vehicle drivers can only have a .04 blood alcohol level.


What Happens if You Get Caught Over the Limit?

Every case has its own peculiarities, but there are some basic guidelines for judges to follow. If it’s your first offense, you will likely spend 24 hours in jail and pay up to $200 in fines. You can also lose your license for 60 days to a whole year.


On your second offense, you spend four days in fail and you lose your license for one to four years. You also have to pay fines and penalties, but the specific amount depends on your blood alcohol level. After your second offense, the judge will require you to have an Interlock Ignition Device (IID) installed in your vehicle to prevent driving under the influence


Things get really bad on your third offense. You face between 14 and 30 days in jail; you lose your license for at least one year (although you could lose it permanently); and you must have an IID installed in your vehicle for at least seven years.