Feb 5, 2012

Almost every one of our North Carolina Toyota dealership customers drive at night during a typical week.  According to the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration, driving at night is roughly twice as dangerous as driving during the day.  Since it is so common, I wanted to give a refresher on ways you can stay safe driving after the sun goes down.


Use Headlights Properly-Toyotas have high beams for a reason, but it’s important that Charlotte Toyota drivers only use your brights when necessary.  When you are driving behind a vehicle, your brights make it difficult for other drivers to see.  Making sure that the lights on your Charlotte Toyota are aligned properly will also help you see the North Carolina roads more clearly.  Don’t allow yourself to be blinded by oncoming headlights.  Shift your eyes momentarily to the right and use the white lines of the road to navigate.


Slow Down-People have a harder time judging distances at night, since they can’t see the as well in the dark.  Slowing down can help reduce your chances of having an accident.  It’s also a good idea to increase the distance between your Matthews Toyota and other cars to further prevent collisions.


Stay Alert-It’s easy to get drowsy when you’re driving your Matthews Toyota, so ensure that you take breaks if you are driving long distances.  Staying awake and alert will help keep our Charlotte Toyota dealership customers safe, especially when combined with the other tips.