Apr 23, 2012

Do you know how to drive safely when you hit inclement weather conditions? While it is always important to be alert and cautious when on the road, it can be downright critical to do so when bad weather hits. Here are some tips to keep you safe during bad weather from your Mint Hill North Carolina Toyota dealer.


Slow Down

Slow down and keep an eye on the cars ahead. Back off and leave some extra distance in case you have to stop quickly.


Use Wipers, Lights and Defrost

If it is raining, sleeting, snowing or you are traveling through dense fog make sure you turn on the wiper blades. It is also a good idea to use your low beams or emergency lights if you are traveling at a lower speed than other drivers. Your defrost may also come in handy and increase your visibility.


Stay Alert

Stay alert to roadway conditions. Watch for flooding roads, downed wires, tree limbs and flying debris. Be prepared for traffic lights that are out and other road way signs that may be down. Additionally, stay off your cell phone and don’t be playing with your radio or GPS.


Listen For Updates

Tune into your local radio station for weather updates. Listen for weather warnings so you know what weather might be headed your way.


Get Off the Road If You Can

Finally, when you hit severe weather, your safest bet is to get off the roadway if you can. Look for a highway rest area or pull into a large parking lot. If there is a tornado warning try to seek shelter inside a building.