May 6, 2015



A new car is a big investment, and you want to make sure that you are making the best decision for your needs. That’s why your Charlotte area Toyota dealer wants you to really think about the car that you are going to buy before you make a commitment. In order to help you simplify the process of buying a car and ensure that you buy the car that is right for you, here are 5 questions that they suggest you ask yourself and honestly answer before you start shopping.

5 Questions to Ask When Shopping for a Car

  1. How much can you afford to spend? Your budget is one of the most important factors to think about when purchasing a new car. If you spend more than you can afford you could end up in serious financial trouble. Set a budget, taking all of the expenses of the car into account, including the purchase price, insurance and maintenance. Don’t forget to include the rest of your monthly payment obligations when determining your budget.
  2. What do you need? Do you want a luxury car? Are you going to be commuting? Is space something that is really important to you? Will you be taking your car on different terrains? Think about how you intend to use your vehicle and what you want out of it.
  3. Do you want new or pre-owned? Do you want something that is brand new or would you prefer a pre-owned vehicle? Both have their pros and cons. Talk to a dealer to find out which would better suit you.
  4. Do you want an extended warranty? Most vehicles come with some type of warranty, which may be fine for you. However, you may want to add an extended warranty. For example, if you drive a lot, a warranty that covers extra miles may be a good option for you.
  5. How will you pay for it? Do you have the money upfront or will you need to finance the purchase? Knowing how you will pay for your new vehicle is extremely important.