May 28, 2012

If you live along the coast or are planning a trip to the coast during hurricane season, do you know what steps you should take to make sure your car is prepared and ready to go if a Hurricane evacuation is ordered? Your North Carolina Toyota dealer wants to help make sure you are prepared. Here is what you need to know.


Keep a Full Tank of Gas

Today with forecasters predicting hurricane threats well in advance you usually will have plenty of warning that an evacuation may be issued. To avoid long lines at the pump, don’t wait to fill your tank. Keep your tank on full so you are ready to go.


Check Tire Pressure, Battery and Car Fluids

When you are filling up your car do a quick check to make sure everything is in working order. Check your tire pressure, your car battery sand your oil and brake fluid.


Road Side Emergency Kit

Next, make sure you have a roadside emergency kit in your car. You can either purchase a kit or put one together on your own. Your kit should have items such as roadside flares, a flashlight, jumper cables and a car jack.


Plan Your Evacuation Route

Know what route you will take if you do have to evacuate. Keep maps in your car to refer to just in case.


Have A Hurricane Essential List

Finally, keep a packing list of other items you will need in your glove compartment. Then, if you do have to evacuate you will not have to think about what to take, you can just follow your list. Make sure you include on your list any necessary prescription medications, enough food and water for approximately 72 hours, extra clothing, pillows and sleeping bags, items to entertain your kids and any other special needs items you or your passengers may require.