Sep 6, 2013

After all the summer driving you have done, there is a good chance your Toyota needs some attention, especially where your alignment is concerned. Hit a few potholes during your travels? It is possible that poor road conditions have knocked your vehicle’s front end alignment out of whack. Our Toyota service center near Matthews NC can help you get your vehicle back into great shape for your autumn driving needs.


Neglecting front end alignment services can cause control issues for drivers. Vehicles that are not properly aligned can make it difficult for drivers to stay in control on the road. It can also cause the steering wheel of your vehicle to shake and vibrate as you accelerate which can be distracting to the driver. In the event of an emergency stop, a poorly aligned vehicle can cause you to lose control and keep the car on the roadway.


Vehicles that are not properly aligned also can cost car owners more money. Misaligned cars can end up with tires that are worn unevenly. For drivers, this means you will need to replace tires more often for safety. Tires that are worn unevenly will cause lost fuel efficiency and can lead to blown out or flat tires.


Aligning a vehicle is not something you can do at home. You will need to schedule an appointment at our Toyota service center near Matthews where our certified technicians have the right equipment and the experience to compete a front end alignment service. We can recommend the proper schedule for alignment services in the future and can also inspect your tires for signs of uneven wear.


Call our service team today to schedule a wheel alignment if your Toyota is shaking during acceleration or pulling to one side of the road. We can get your vehicle back into great shape so you can get back on the road.