Jun 17, 2013

As gas goes up, so does the cost of commuting.  Drivers are doing everything they can to pinch pennies at the pump, but there are simple steps everyone can take to cut down on commuting costs.  If you are making frequent trips to the gas station, North Carolina Toyota has tips to help you reduce your monthly commuting costs.


Tip 1: Make coffee at home

Not only are you spending extra money on a drink you can make at home, but you are wasting gas when you drive out of the way to hit the drive through and while you are sitting in the drive thru.


Tip 2: Carpool

Talk to a few coworkers about commuting together.  Every person can take turns using their vehicle.  You will save on gas and you can ask your insurance company for a cheaper rate because you aren’t driving as much.


Tip 3: One Trip

If you have to go to the grocery store or run errands after work, do it on your way home.  Plan a route that takes you right past where you need to go instead of going home and heading back out.


Tip 4: Change your hours

Talk to your employer about working fewer days, but for longer hours.  If that doesn’t work, leave earlier and stay later so you aren’t sitting in rush hour traffic.


Tip 5:  Slow down

A lead foot does more than suck the gas out of your tank; it gets you into trouble.  If you are speeding, you are more likely to get into and accident or get pulled over.  Once that happens, you will have to pay fees, fines and higher insurance premiums.