Nov 26, 2015

driveWhether you are new to Charlotte or have driven around the city for years, there are rules you may or may not know. These rules consist of both new and old laws, as well as common knowledge to Charlotte’s residents. Scott Clark Toyota wants to keep the city and its residents safe and is providing you with this guide to safe city driving in Charlotte.

Move Over Law

When you are learning to drive, you learn that you should move to the side when any emergency vehicle with lights and sirens going is approaching. But in Charlotte, there is the “Move Over Law” that not only suggests you move to the side, but it also requires you to do so. If you choose not to follow this law, you could face a penalty fine up to $500.

Fender Bender Law

Similar to the “Move Over Law” is the “Fender Bender Law.” This law requires you to move to the side of the road if you are in a minor accident. Now if there is major damage, and you cannot safely move to the side, you can leave your car where it lies. But in any situation where the damage is minor, you need to move out of the way of traffic or face a fine of $100.

Cell Phone Laws

Now that cell phones have become permanent attachments to most people, many states are creating laws about cell phone use while driving. Some states forbid any use while others freely allow it. In Charlotte, minors are restricted from cell phone use. The law states that no driver younger than 18 can use a cell phone while driving. The only exception to this law is a minor can use a cell phone when driving if it is an emergency or when talking to a parent or spouse. A fine of $25 will be issued if this law is broken. No matter what your age, be sure to use your Bluetooth equipped Toyota for the safest way to drive and talk on the phone.

Right Turn on Red

Another driving law that is different from state to state is whether you can turn right on a red light after you have stopped. In Charlotte, you are allowed to turn right on a red light after you make a complete stop unless there is a sign stating you can’t. However, you can never turn left at a red light.

Driving While Impaired

Every state has laws restricting driving when a driver has consumed alcohol, and in Charlotte it is illegal to drive if your blood alcohol concentration is greater than 0.08 percent. Fines range from $200 to $4000 with possible imprisonment from 24 hours to 2 years. But more importantly, if you choose to drive and drink you are endangering your life as well as the lives of others. So please don’t drink and drive.

Charlotte is a great city to drive in, and the hope is that this guide will help you have a safer and more enjoyable driving experience.


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