Mar 28, 2012

When your teen is ready to drive you will need to find them affordable North Carolina car insurance. Most likely you have heard that insuring your teen will not be cheap. While their insurance will certainly cost more than an experienced driver, with some checking around you should be able to find an affordable policy. Your Charlotte North Carolina Toyota offers these tips to help you find affordable insurance for your teenager.


Contact Your Agent Before Looking Elsewhere

Very often the most affordable coverage will be through your current insurance company. You will want to contact your agent to see if they can add your son or daughter onto your policy. This option is almost always more cost effective than getting separate insurance for your teen. As a word of caution make sure you discuss with your agent the pros and cons of adding your teen to your policy. Sometimes there are reasons why it is not the best option.


Know How You Can Get a Discount

When looking for a policy always check to see what teen discounts your teenager may qualify for. Discounts are often offered for having good grades in school and may also be available for completing certain driving safety courses and for a clean driving record. Check back regularly to see if your teen might qualify for additional discounts.


Choose Their Car Wisely

A final way to save on your teen’s car insurance is to pick a vehicle that offers lower insurance coverage rates. Most used Toyota vehicles will cost you less to insure over new models. Stop by your used Toyota dealership today and let our sales team help you pick out an affordable used car.